Things You Need To Know About Painting Brick

We talk to a lot of potential clients about what they can do to refresh their homes. A lot of them want to redo their home exterior but feel like they can’t because it is brick. Let’s try to dispel some of the concerns we often hear about painting brick homes.

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The first thing you’ve probably heard about painting brick is that the paint fails. However, that is typically not the case, especially if you are using high-quality products like the ones we use on our projects. Most of the time if you see a failure on painted brick it is because of the brick itself, not the paint. 

Bricks are porous, and therefore soak up a lot of moisture. When that moisture freezes and then thaws, it can flake off. This is called shaling. If you see a painted home with a spot where the paint has come off, this is probably the cause. You can actually pick up the chipped-off brick and see the paint still strongly adhering to it. 


However, you shouldn’t just put any paint on brick or other masonry exteriors. You will want to use a primer specially formulated for masonry projects. These paints help reduce moisture, which reduces the risk of shaling. It also stops the high pH levels in masonry from “burning through” the paint. 

With the right product and knowledge, brick painting projects can yield fantastic results. Older generations didn’t like the idea of painting brick, but it can totally refresh a home’s look and make it feel new with one simple change. 

One popular method for painting brick homes is whitewashing. In this process, we mix white masonry paint with water and apply it to the surface. This lets the color of the brick come through the paint, creating a faux-weathered look that is very popular right now. 

Just look at the pictures below to see how painting your brick home can radically transform it. 

There’s still room on our 2022 calendar, so call our office or fill out the form below today to schedule your appointment. We can provide a detailed and accurate quote for the project, and we can even help you pick the right color for your home. 

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